Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It always astonishes me the place humans - men or women - will go to convince themselves that what they are doing is right by God. This article speaks to various ideas that Bishop Eddie Long preaches. Bishop Eddie Long is a close companion of Norm Willis and a man that Christ Church Kirkland looks up to. In fact, he was schedule to speak at the 25th Anniversary that just took place in October. But a week prior to the event, the news broke of the allegations that he misused his place of authority and engaged in inappropriate relations with several young men in his congregation. He was quietly taken off the speaker list and quickly wiped clean from the promotional material. I don't find it a coincidence that this man is facing such allegations and that similar allegations have been directed towards the leaders of CCK. You can come to your own conclusions, but I say if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

Check the article out here.


  1. Birds of a feather.... I found it amazing as well. When you twist biblical doctrine to the point that you believe the church is the ultimate authority (as opposed to scripture and over all other authorities), and the pastors have all authority in the church (forget about 5-fold ministry, elders, or the ecclesia), pastors become answerable to no one. They can justify any behavior, especially when it involves someone "submitting" to them. I found this fascinating article. Check it out:

  2. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I remember hearing about this scandal on the national news and had no idea there was a CCK connection.

  3. christina, my wife has been led astray and captive by these people, I feel stupid that it has gotten this far, how do I talk to or find out how to report this and to whom my web site is These people are really dirty, even to the point of assigning a spiritual husband for and to my wife. "DENIS TROUT" is her spiritual husbands name I guess, I'm going through a divorce with my wife right now because of them. Agaist her wish and my own, but she is just to caught up in this church. May God help us, what can I do? I just got started with my lawyer and told him and showed him your site.

  4. Sorin - I am horribly sorry! What a tragic thing to go through! Send me your email address if you like and I'll send you an email.

  5. Dennis Trout is nobodies "spiritual husband" he is a spiritual father to many but not a husband. I just thought someone should clarify. Maybe this is a language barrier, I know Sorin's first language isn't english. Sorry to hear you two are getting a divorce.

  6. I don't think it has anything to do with the "barrier" that the above person speaks of. He knows perfectly well what he is saying and anyone who has gone to this church for more than 4 months, knows that this is the language that is spoken. PLUS, where in the Bible does it speak of having a spiritual father here on earth? So often these "relationships" take the place of our covenant relationships with God, our husbands, our wives, our children, etc. Families aren't able to be a family without Dennis/Norm/Kevin/Deeann/Marcy/ etc. right in the middle of the whole gawd-damned thing!

  7. I'm sorry you feel that way. I've gone to CCK for 15 years and I have to say I've never once heard anyone say the phrase "spiritual husband" or "spiritual wife"

    I personally love the fact that when someone's mother or father is no longer in their lives whether that's death, distance or whatever someone steps up and helps. I know it has been a huge help for me.

    I can only speak for myself when I say Dennis, Norm, Kevin, Deeann and Marcy are not in the middle of my family. You obviously have a different experience and I am truly sorry for whatever happened.

  8. "People who look through keyholes are apt to get the idea that most things are keyhole shaped." ~Author Unknown
    "We are free, truly free, when we don't need to rent our arms to anybody in order to be able to lift a piece of bread to our mouths." ~Ricardo Flores Magon Speech 31 May 1914
    "I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs." Frederick Douglas, escaped slave
    I lived in Christ Church. I was born there. I was taught Sunday School songs, Scripture verses, Math, Reading and Writing. I was taught how to dress, when to sit, and when to and stand. I was lead to do things that no child would choose to speak of or wish to remember. This blog is filled with real stories from real people that have lived deeply painful lives within the walls of this church. There is no need for debates. It's healing to listen to people using their words and finding comfort in eachother knowing that there is life outside this church and that our God is a BIG God and He hears our cries. After all He came to prosper all of us and to give us a future and a hope. I have experienced life without a controlling god and I am prospering, growing and healing and I'm able to bless those around me. I thank God everyday for giving me life so abundantly. God bless and heal those of us who have left. May God protect the little ones who can't yet choose their own freedom.

  9. Maiden post on this blog. For those considering your options. We are out here, if you want to talk.

    Sexual molestation historically has existed, but now, at this point in time, has freshly occurred.

    Church leadership has requested that the victims families (the victims are too young) to accept financial restitution from the assailant, in lieu of a police report. And for the victims to receive counseling from the church in lieu of counseling outside the church.

    Most members of the church are not aware that these four young boys were abused. The boys are still in the church, and so is the abuser. the abuser was actually molested by a church member, who was molested by another church member who was molested by a church leader.

    The abuser is not sitting shyly in the background, he was and continues to be in a leadership type position. His victims see him in this position.

    By law, any physician, nurse, educator or church counselor (in most cases) who has knowledge of this is obligated to report this event. But none have, though, if it does come out, would potentially lose their license to practice or work in their current position. There are physicians and educators in key leadership positions at the church, there is no possibility that they are not aware of this.

    Unfortunately for the families of the children, should they decide to speak, it would mean losing their jobs, family, home, church, neighbors, friends, and being dishonored (despite the fact that they did nothing wrong). Keeping silent, has been asked of them, and if they want to keep any of the above, they must sacrifice justice and real help for their sons.

    The real tragedy, is that the victims, act out sexually and become abusers.

    Someone needs to stop the cycle

    Someone needs to stand up for the children

    Who will stand for the children? Can you look into the mirror and say this is right?

    If you have the information, for the sake of your children, you MUST come forward and step into the light - you MUST stop this insanity. WE understand you will lose everything, but guess what - you will get so much more in return.

    You can look your son in the eye, and tell him you did this for HIM. You know it must be killing him to see the man who molested him every week, or several times a week. Do you know what this does to him?

    Please Stop the Cycle Now

  10. Where is the faith in God to provide food on the table or pay the bills or locate a new school or physician for the child? HELLO!!! The long term effects of child abuse & sexual abuse will have have catastrophic damage to these children perhaps for the rest of their lives! Wake up!! It is your jobs to protect little ones. You will have no innocence on the day their lives shatter in front of their faces & they recall your face in the timeline of events when their memory is triggered & they remember at a later age that they were molested. They will remember, their lives will vomit it in all sorts of symptoms of pain, anger & grief & self destruction until they finally call unto their Lord and ask what is wrong with them. He will tell them, nothing but pain & lots of it. I need you to cry on my shoulder & let me hold you. When you are strong enough I will show you each person who violated you, robbed you & attempted to slaughter you & my people. But before I so that I need you to forgive them. All of them for they did not know, not all of them..many were under strict orders & forms of mind control only the clear minded can comprehend. Only the scripturally sound can digest. Only the strongest can stand as this nation will rise & I The Lord will take vengeance. If spiritual repercussions aren't enough, which wow, shame on you & anyone abusing a child or church member or any person or being than there is our useful WA CPS system who would love nothing better than to tear a new ass hole in an any adult who corrupts, harms & doesn't have a child's best interest at heart!!!

  11. Proverbs 24:11-12
    Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering towards slaughter. If you say, "but we knew nothing about this" does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done?
