Friday, June 11, 2010

More Lies!

So hang in there with me... this is going to take a little bit of explaining. I was google searching churches in  Kirkland. Up pops google map and to the right a list of churches. Second one down is Christ Church Kirkland and I see there is 1 review listed. Curious I click to read the review. What I find is a "fake" review by Kyle Willis, the marketing director for CCK, and Norm's son. Kyle is speaking as if he is a 1st time visitor and how great the church is and how his kids loved their classes and how he will be back again and will be calling this his home church. Much to my surprise is the fact that Kyle is lying and making up a review. Kyle is single, no kids, and was born into this church. Certainly not a first time visitor.

So I do the only prudent thing... I write my own review. I point out the lies and then warn those reading to stay away from this church and to please go to church just a different one. I posted a link on the Facebook page Christ Church Kirkland is a mafia and tell any one who cares to go and read for themselves and leave a review. This morning Kyle had changed his review to eliminate the lies. I posted another review pointing out this fact and questioned some other things that he had written - example CCK doesn't care about numbers or being seeker-friendly  - of which I half agree with. They are not seeker friendly this is definitely true. But isn't a church supposed to be? Shouldn't it be the place where people can come and seek and find answers they've been searching for? And why would he write a fake review to entice people to come if they didn't care about numbers?

Anyway, not to long after, the link I posted on FB no longer worked and if you search churches in Kirkland you will still find CCK listed with 3 reviews, however, when you click on the reviews it links to The City Church's review page. Now I checked and it is gone altogether.

I want to remind anyone reading this that if the truth is what it is, there is no reason to hide from it. Churches are to be open and transparent... Christ Church Kirkland is anything but that. They have a 30 or more year history of hiding the truth, covering up abuse & hurt they have inflicted on others, and now they can only hope that they can continue to cover those things up. This has nothing to do with Kyle, he doesn't know any better, he is just a pawn in Norm, Marcy, Dennis, Jim and many other's plans to keep their secrets buried until they pass from this life. What a prison that must be for them to live in.

My prayer for this entire situation is that they would repent and make right the wrongs to the best of their abilities. In doing so the truth would finally set them and many others free. Kyle, just a note,  Hitler & the communist party tried for years to keep people from hearing the truth and to control what they read or had access to. We all know how that failed. The truth will be spoken. You will not be able to hide it. And we can all thank God for that!

Written by Christina


  1. this is crazy. I googled CCK so I could find somon Moulds home phone number and this poped up as the 3rd link....Simon is posting shit about me on his facebook page, so I decided to call him to ask what is going on with him.....Anyways, this is hilarouse....kyle posting fake

  2. So here's what was posted so everyone can determine for themselves if Simon is posting shit about James:

    James Barnette on FB: Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

    Simon Mould FB response: But if you don't take your car to the garage regularly to get gas or an oil change or a tune up, the car won't go anyway and breaks down.

    Wow - just a normal exchange of ideas. James - can't you handle a little interaction. What's the problem!

  3. I'm glad that there are still posts on this blog...I thought that this whole CCK thing would fade out, just like everything else in this short memory society...

    This place has done irreparable damage to many people I am friends with. With confidence, I believe this church to be no different than the ultra-conservative, brain washing jihad fighters in the middle east. They use the same tactics these fanatics use to control members of their CULT. I wouldn't put it past CCK to strap a bomb to a "seeker." Because we have more law enforcement here in the US, this is harder to do, so they have to work subversively and politically to gain more control in their community. I believe there are members on the Kingsgate city council for example. This is mere speculation on my part. But, as a combat veteran I know how easy it is to become trapped in subcultural brainwashing. I was a part of it when I graduated basic training and into my enlistment period. And, I was the victim of it when I served in Iraq. These are DANGEROUS people. The fact that there was a fake review posted on shows further what a ridiculous multi-level marketing scheme CCK is up to...

    1. Hi there,

      First off I could give my entire testimony about my Christian life. That would be at least a 10 page book. Total guess. I have never actually written a book. Some day...maybe. Instead I will give a testimony as it pertains to Christ Church Kirkland.

      My first encounter with CCK was when I was a toddler. My family lived next to Tom and Julie Wolf and their daughter Kristy. I of course had my own church family, Inglewood Presbyterian Church which I attended with my parents and sister.

      Later on when I was in junior high school. I met a boy named Owen Hart at track and field. We became close friends and I started attending youth group with him off and on through High School. I had my own church's youth group along with other activities (soccer, boy scouts, etc.), therefore CCK was not a priority. I suffered from Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and didn't have to many close friends. Owen however was one of them.

      When I became a freshmen in college my views on religion changed. To put this in perspective this was back in 2007.
      I took a religious studies course hoping it would show me how much better Christianity was from all the other religions. To my surprise it showed me how similar all the religions were. Although there was quite a contrast between Eastern (Hindu, Buddhism) and Western (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) religions.

      One day after class I remember walking past a man holding a sign basically saying "repent or go to hell" with the verse Romans 6:23 quoted. One of the students in my religious studies class walked up to him and began arguing. He wondered what Islams would say about the sign. How Islams perceived "Allah to be the one true God".

      I began to wonder which religion was "right" or perhaps that none of them were "right". I began researching and it didn't involve reading the bible (or any religious texts for that matter). My basic conclusion was that religion was a form of control and manipulation. There's a lot of things unknown to most people. To say "only God knows," seemed to me, to be a dead ended answer. I therefore became an Atheist.

      Still an Atheist today, but the recent election of Donald Trump (who according to Christianity Today 80% of Evangelical Christians voted for) has made me weary of how much power Christians have in this nation. I feel the need to prevent my self from being oppressed by Christians. Going on this blog, reading Psychology books, posting on social media, etc., has helped me cope with this issue.

  4. I have to say I am really sad with this post. When you first started this site and the facebook site was started I followed it waiting to see what was going to happen. I also thought that it opened up a lot of my hidden feelings toward Christ Church and some of the stuff I went through. I was sad about the information of the sexual abuse, and if it is true, I do truly hope the people involved or know something about it will go to the authorities. With this last information by Christina, I have to say I am really sad. It appears to be vindictive and hateful. What does it matter what Kyle put on the google maps. What do you think advertising is - he was just putting out there like an ad for the church. I don't see this situation any different. In addition, he called and apologized for it, and you still continue to attack about it. If the church has hidden really wrong conduct, let's stick with that, and not just post every little indiscretion, in your eyes, about the church. Every church is full of human beings, and we all make mistakes, if we didn't we wouldn't need Jesus. It also saddens me that a lot of accusations have been made in these sites, but nothing is confirmed, and when someone, like Peter, in the Facebook site, asks for status on these accusations, no one responds to those questions.

  5. so I feel the need to respond... Anonymous above... I have no idea who you are. Unless you are a victim who feels the need to hide their identity right now I'm not sure why you won't use your name.

    let me clarify... I wrote this post before I had heard a peep from Kyle. Secondly he didn't call me. Thirdly, the apology I received I voiced on the FB mafia page and haven't spoken a word of it since. How is that still attacking?? I didn't feel I needed to post again here that Kyle had clarified that his FAKE post was an accident. Fourth, when is it vindictive and hateful to write about a character issue that supports the allegations made here? I don't have a problem with Kyle writing a review. I have a problem with him writing a FAKE review in which he lies. I would have a problem with anyone doing that. He just happened to get caught. There is a difference in advertising and lying. Lastly if I wanted to post every little indiscretion of this church in my eyes I would never be able to leave my computer. 30+ years of indiscretion takes a long time to post. So lets not exaggerate the few posts I've made here.

    When it comes to the legal serious allegations referenced by people here... Do you think someone who has sought legal counsel would not have been advised to keep information to themselves and not post it all over FB? It's not logical that if someone knew of the legal course being taken at this time that it would be prudent or helpful for them to post it all over the web. Accusations won't be confirmed until it is done so in court.

    So if you Anonymous would like to discuss things further I welcome you to talk with me directly. You can email me at I will gladly give you my number there.

  6. This is not your average neighborhood church that we're talking about here. This is something much different. I know, I survived this group of unity and enlightenment. Some have referred to this place as "the safest place on earth". Here they have dedicated babies to whom(?) and filled family nights with meetings and home groups~wherever they have carefully placed you. This has been a building where members do not walk freely through the halls during services or school time for fear they may open a dark closet or conference room and find the horror within the walls of the church that has taken place for far too many years. I haven't seen many churches that have the same driving desire to be a light in the darkness yet most members choose not to move about the earth as they may dream of doing. It has been my experience through stolen innocence with violent crimes used against me and my freedom today has come at a high price. I thank God that He cares about truth and justice and He knows the difference between wrong and right, good and evil, god and Alpha and Omega. He is my hiding place. I am grateful that this blog is still up and believe that one day soon the truth shall set us free.

  7. I deleted the "CCK is a Mafia" page on facebook because I am sick of dealing with it or even talking about CCK. I don't even want to be a Christian anymore because of the demands that CCK has put on my life. There is something way wrong with the doctrine of Spiritual Authority and the Dominion Mandate of Kingdom Ministries International. Do what you have to do to keep peace of mind people. If it means leaving CCK, so be it. If it means staying, so be it. I however do not recommend this church. Much love and respect!

  8. I really understand your frustration, "Walter" ;). I hope though that the screwed up doctrine of CCK doesn't turn you away from Christ. And although you may need a "time out" you may find healing in a different church.

    When I left CCK is was so discouraging to try finding a church where I would feel right again, but miraculously I did. I found place where people love Jesus, help each other, and serve the community without expectations that the community must then join our church. It's been very refreshing and healing. Not every church demands that you are constantly trying to break through some invisible barrier or that you making serving the pastor's "vision" the focus of your life or that you or has "distinctives" (which is not even a word, by the way) that add to what the Word says.

    I hope that someday you find a church where people believe in you, love you, and want to help you be whoever you and Jesus say you are, not trying to push you into a mold.

    Hang in there man. I'm praying for you.

  9. Church is a good thing. It can be a really bad thing as well. It all depends on your perspective of church and relationship and what they really are meant for.

    some times there is nothing wrong with "me and jesus" time. Just stay open to hear Him. You may wake up and hear his voice asking you to seek a church to be a part of. Then you may wake up and hear Him tell you to take a "time out".

    That's so funny that seeker called it that. I have been on a self imposed "time out" for a while now. I had found a good church and was a part of it. Then I woke up one day and heard the voice - time out. I needed to refocus.

    There are no set rules to follow, no "do this" or "do that" and then you will be ok. You have to hear His voice and respond. That's it! Take a break, chill for a bit, find that "me and jesus" time. It was never meant to be this complicated :)

  10. I moved out here from California a few months ago and I googled churches in Kirkland and found this site today. Boredom in the middle of the night shift, what can I say?
    Here is what I have to say. This blog makes me nervous. Get over your issues people and move on! Go to another church and deal with your stuff! GET OVER IT! I don't think you realize how petty this is. God is good and He is faithful to reveal sin. It isn't your job. The Bible says that revenge is the Lord's. Read it, it may shed some light on how ridiculous this site really is. And the thing is, this site doesn't make me want to avoid Kirkland Christ Church, this makes me wonder if there is actually some good there. Because in my years of expirence, learning the hard way and getting over considerable hurt caused by leaders in my life, is that stuff like this is caused by a petty offense that gets blown WAY out of proportion. Anger makes people crazy. So, make sure you really know what you are doing before you go after other people. Just my two cents. Don't crucify me with the rest of your enemies.

  11. Dear Concerned,

    I wonder if you read everything on the site. There is nothing petty about systematically covering up child molestation. I know that I and most of the people on this blog have moved on. I have a church that I love and a great life. This blog is not the focus of my life or anyone else's.

    However, I am concerned about the people who are still a part of CCK or who may be thinking of joining who don't know what's actually going on. I am concerned about justice and truth. i am concerned that more children will be abused and if this blog helps even one family, it's worth it.

  12. xxxChrist Church Kirkland was a mafiaxxx
    We slipped through the cracks. It seems to be doing better now that we are gone. So be it. I hope you are well, reader.

  13. Just read about the "fake" review.
    Keep up the good work by shining the light on this stuff.

  14. Im looking for the prayer warriors to make an impact on this spiritually dead / sound asleep congregation . I can relate to all who are part of this blog . Call me at 206-293-4076 cell [ desperately seeking fellowship
